Keith Wood will be speaking at an upcoming Strafford live phone/web seminar entitled “IRC Section 707 Transactions Between Partnerships and Their Members” scheduled for Tuesday, March 6, 2012.
Keith and his fellow panelists will provide tax counsel with a guide to the impact of IRC Section 707 on business transactions between partnerships and partners. They will also explore the analyses used by the IRS and courts to deem business deals as disguised sales and abusive situations triggering taxable events. The panel will offer their perspectives and guidance on these and other critical questions:
- How do the provisions of Section 707 distinguish between partnership-partner transactions that are taxable events and those that are not?
- What kinds of transactions are the most likely to trigger disguised sale and anti-abuse rules, resulting in taxable events?
- What business structures are the IRS scrutinizing in connection with Section 707?
After the presentations, the panelists will engage in a live question and answer session with participants.
Webinar Details
Title: IRC Section 707 Transactions Between Partnerships and Their Members Date: Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Time: 1:30pm – 3:00pm EDT
Registration: For more information and to register, please .
If you have any questions, please contact Erin Lungren, Marketing Director, at 336.478.1141 or